Sunday, March 26, 2006

FlickPick: 'V For Vendetta'

I'm not a huge fan of the multiplexes, but had to get out on a dreery Sunday afternoon to check this one out. I was pleasantly surprised. Though I don't consider myself a film reviewer by any stretch of the imagination, I will say V For Vendetta is entertaining and thoughtful. Despite the sometimes over-the-top political rants, there's still quite a lot for your brain to chew on. Maybe. If you're of the right-leaning persuasion (and don't think for yourself too often), you might find yourself turning beet-red and ready to pop a couple of shells into the screen, maybe slay a couple of unpatriotic giggling policy wonks on your way out. Alternatively, the young hippie war protesters may see this film as their modern-day 1984 (note they share that same dramatic letter on the posters). If you're a critical thinker, or simply enjoy blood and explosions and an oddly-serene soundtrack lacing a potent storyline that conspire to joyously mock the FoxNoSpinZoneification of the world, this movie's for you. And no, I don't think is glorifies terrorism any more or less than another of psk's FlickPicks, Syriana.

On a related note, found an interesting powerpoint presentation today from our friends at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.


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